The world of design technology is constantly changing. Our tools are getting smarter and more responsive, the programs are more advanced and detailed than ever before, and there is one company that continues to sit at the forefront of it all: Adobe.
Adobe has found a way to continually develop its technologies to stay one step ahead of the creative community that uses them, which is no small feat. So, as an individual or company what’s the best way to keep up with this ever-changing technology? The basic answer is training, but the better answer is MAX.
Read MoreI was 16 when it happened. Barely a senior in high school. Most kids didn’t have their own cell phone yet. Social media didn't yet exist. The digital languages that would help our country cope, grieve, and grow together had not yet been invented.
Millennials were supposed to be defined by January 1, 2000. But to us, that was mostly a dud. Instead, a year and a half later, we found ourselves united by a common challenge:
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