Optimize Your Lead Generation Strategy with Social Media

Whether your business’ lead generation strategy focuses on email sign-ups, reservations, or form submissions; social media advertising can help you reach qualified prospects. Here’s a quick guide to set up your first lead generation campaigns on Facebook and LinkedIn.


To set up your first Lead Generation campaign, create a new campaign with the Consideration objective “Lead Generation.” At the ad set level select “Instant Forms” as the Lead method, and set up your audience target, budget, and schedule. When creating your ad, choose the media and copy for your ad, then set up your Instant Form. Click the “Create Form” button to get started; there are seven steps to build your form.

Under the “Content” tab are five sections:

1. Form Name: This is the section to name your form.

2. Form Type: This is the section to optimize your forms - more volume or higher intent.

3. Intro: This is the section to select a background image, and write your headline and description.

4. Questions: This is the section where you’ll create your questions and choose what user information is collected.

5. Privacy: This is the section where you’ll paste the privacy policy URL from your website.

6. Completion: This section is where you can include a thank-you message for submitting the form, add a call-to-action and direct the user to a landing page.

Under the “Settings” tab are two sections:

1. Form Configuration: This is the section where you can set your form’s language and sharing settings - restricted to your target audience or open to be shared.

2. Field Names: This is the section to customize how your fields are exported.

3. Tracking Parameters: This is the section to add tracking to identify your lead sources.

Once your form has been built, click the “Publish” button and select your new form as the “Instant Form” in your ad. Publish your draft to start advertising!


If your business is targeting leads by industry, seniority, or company; a LinkedIn Lead Gen campaign will best reach your audience. To set up your first Lead Gen campaign, log in to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager and select the account you’d like to run ads for. Under the “Account Assets” tab, select “Lead Gen Forms” to create a new form. There are four steps to build your form.

1. Form Details: This is the section where you’ll create your headline and description, as well as paste the privacy policy URL from your website.

2. Lead Details & Custom Questions: This section allows you to select which questions to ask and the information you want to collect from the user’s profile (including contact information and occupation details).

3. Confirmation: This section is where you can include a thank-you message for submitting the form, add a call-to-action and direct the user to a landing page.

4. Hidden Fields: This section contains the option to add tracking information that will not be shown to the user when they fill out the form.

Once your form has been built, click “Agree & Create” to publish the form. Manage your forms and download your leads in the “Lead Gen Forms” section of the “Account Assets” tab. From here, all that’s left is to set up your Lead Gen campaign in Campaign Manager. Create a new campaign with the Conversions objective “Lead Generation,” select your target audience, and build your ad creative as you would with any other LinkedIn ad campaign. When you preview your ads, you’ll see the form integration with the user’s LinkedIn Feed.

Lead Generation Form Best Practices

We recommend these strategies to maximize your social media lead generation campaign efficiency:

Create an eye-catching headline, and engaging graphics to get your audience to stop scrolling.

● Don’t ask too many questions! The longer the form is, the less likely a user will finish filling it out (even with auto-fill features).

● Run A/B Tests for your lead generation campaigns. Test different creative (media and copy), test questions, and calls-to-action to optimize your campaign.

● Choose a strong call-to-action.

● Set up tracking parameters to track your lead sources.

Emily SteitzerComment