Using Experiential Excitement to Build Your Brand & Voice

Social media is the first place people turn to for sharing emotions and experiences. In turn, what customers are looking for in brands is a similar expectation of authentic interaction. Whether your brand is a physical product or service, a non-profit, or even just something for yourself, it is important to find a way to connect to your audience.

Using these 5 steps, you can ensure your social media fan base feels the same way about your brand as you do.

Find your passion

Finding your passion is only as easy as finding a memory. Looking back to that time when, in excitement, you came up with the best business idea, the next big thing, or began a novel. Perhaps it was your final interview for the job of your dreams, the moment you learned a new skill, or your first day as a new parent. Everyone has that one moment where you changed- FOREVER, that, that moment is the source of your passion.

Drive traffic to your website by telling a story

Oftentimes we are told to keep things succinct - that our audiences will not read more than a few sentences. For the most part, this is certainly true. However, there are times when a story unfolds so naturally that it makes sense to share the whole thing, as opposed to just a blurb. One way to share the whole story is to post a Tweet, Snap, or Instagram photo with a highlight from the story, then link to the complete story for readers to “see more” on your website. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website while simultaneously sharing desirable content.

Use your unique voice

Everything you post shouldn’t sound like a sales pitch. If you tend to have conversations in a casual manner, and your brand is casual, it makes sense to stick with what you know best, promoting your brand using your voice. Conversely, if your brand is high-end and more formal, but you personally tend to be a bit too casual, it’s absolutely ok to hire someone who can target your demographic through their writing - but don’t be afraid to chime in on occasion and be yourself!

Brand with soul

Give your company a living identity by conveying a sense of place. Does your brand feel folksy? Outdoorsy? Adventurous? Stark? Ensure everything you post on social captures this voice, whether in copy or via imagery. Ultimately you want your fans to truly experience your brand through social media.

Share your wonder and excitement through photos

Every photograph tells a story. Look through your phone or camera right now and you’ll soon realize that there’s a reason you took each of those photos. The moment meant something to you - enough for you to capture it forever. In our digital age, it’s easy to have almost “too many” photographs, but the great thing about social is that content continues to be king, and there is no such thing as “too many photographs.” You have the ability to curate the photos that best represent your brand. Select photos that bring you excitement and joy, then share those photos on your social accounts. You’ll oftentimes find the experiences you cherished the most are also the very same photos that will gain you the most likes and new followers.

At the heart of experiential excitement you're giving your company a living identity that any audience will feel emotionally connected to while using a successful social media engagement strategy.

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