How to Increase Your Facebook Reach for FREE

As most marketers know, Facebook uses an algorithm to determine how posts are seen in the news feed. We also know that it’s become increasingly more difficult for brands to get their content shown in the news feed without having to pay for reach. For those users not familiar with Facebook’s algorithm, they may have simply wondered why they’ve stopped seeing posts from a specific brand. We’ve even seen comments from fans saying they haven’t been seeing the brand’s posts in their news feed, and wish they would.

In cases like that, we recommend that brands post a status update on Facebook informing fans to be sure they ‘Get Notifications” from that brand if they want to ensure they’re seeing all of its posts. For further reach of this message, a brand may choose to boost the post. By paying for this one boosted post, you may increase future Facebook reach for FREE (depending on how many fans follow the steps to get notified every time you post.)

Should users wish to make their news feeds even more robust, we recommend our Instructable, “Three Easy Steps to Making Your News Feed Better.”

3 Steps to Increased Facebook Reach

3 Steps to Increased Facebook Reach