Keeping Your Focus Through the Holidays
The holiday season is officially upon us! And although many of us would like to curl up on the couch all day with a warm beverage to watch Hallmark movies, we still have a job to do. So how do we keep focused during the most distracting time of year? We’ve got a few tips below to get you through the season.
1. Be Organized
The one thing you have the most control over is keeping your workspace organized.
During this time of year, you are going to be inundated with ads, work parties, and various disruptions. By having a distraction-free work area, you can get in, get your work done, and be on your way in time to grab afternoon hot toddies with your friends. To do this, make sure before you sign off for the day that your desk is clean and free of clutter and you’ve neatly organized your digital desktop by putting random files in their appropriate folders.
2. Make Lists
No, not a naughty or nice list. Make lists of the things you need to get done for the day, week or month. These can include chores at home, your holiday shopping list, or even a grocery list. This will help clear your mind and keep you from getting distracted by everything that is going on outside of the office.
3. Silence the Distractions
You are going to be hit from every angle with advertisers trying to reach you with their “can’t miss” holiday specials. Don’t be afraid to work offline for a few hours a day if you can. Signing off from the distractions will let you power through your project and help you get it done much quicker. Also, you won’t end up going down the click-through rabbit hole that we all know happens when the ad for that perfect pair of slippers pops up.
4. Fuel Your Brain
It’s the season of adult beverages and sweet treats, which are two of my favorite things. However, they won’t do anything to help keep your brain working at full speed. Make sure you are consuming healthy food and plenty of fluids to keep your mind focused and body running smoothly. This will help you avoid those foggy mornings when you just can’t seem to get in a groove.
5. Give Back to Those Around You
Helping those around us can be very rewarding and uplifting. Take some time to give back by volunteering at a local church, food bank or animal shelter. You’d be surprised how doing a few good deeds for others will help change your attitude and keep you motivated in your daily life.
Still need help getting through the holidays? Drop us a line, we’d be happy to assist.