Using the power of video to promote a good cause.



In May 2018, Hyatt Regency Tamaya hosted its annual Tamaya Horse Rehabilitation Fundraiser in order to drive awareness to their rehabbed animals at the Stables at Tamaya and to raise money for their care. HR Tamaya asked that we make a few short videos to spotlight some of the horses and animals to help tell the story of the program and to promote this cause with the use of Facebook ads. 


Three members of the TPM team flew to Tamaya to interview staff and film videos showcasing the animals to help promote the Tamaya Horse Rehabilitation Fundraiser. Once the videos were edited, we shared them on Tamaya's social media channels. One video showcasing Eeyore and his wonderful story was used for a Facebook ad to help raise awareness and encourage donations.


The Eeyore video reached 42,667 people when boosted with a $105 budget and received 23,453 post engagements.