Easy Email Marketing!


Easy DIY Email Marketing CampaignSocial networks have made a big splash and gained the attention, and marketing budgets, of brands and agencies. Email marketing is often overlooked and relegated to the woodshed of forgotten social platforms like MySpace and Friendster. Many industry reports show that email might be more relevant and therefore more important than ever before. See why you should consider it a critical component of your brand marketing strategy.

Everyone Uses Email!

  • There are 4.1 billion email accounts worldwide
  • There are 2.5 billion email users world wide
  • 72% of US online adults send or receive personal emails at least weekly

Open For Business!

  • 68% of consumers say email is there preferred channel for receiving commercial messages
  • 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a direct result of an email marketing message
  • 19% of consumers read every email newsletter they receive just to see if it includes an offer

Great For Mobile!

  • Mobile email accounts for up to 70% of email opens
  • 30% of consumers read email exclusively on mobile devices

One of the reasons that small brands in particular neglect email marketing is because of it’s perceived difficulty and cost. Facebook and Twitter are perceived as free, although that is debatable. There is also a sense that anybody can do, since let's face it, whose grandmother doesn't have a Facebook account by now. Email still frightens people with high tech sounding words like source code and A/B testing.

Luckily, there are several great options for simple, affordable email marketing. Perhaps the most interesting is TinyLetter. TinyLetter is a completely free email service which is owned by industry juggernaut MailChimp and built on their infrastructure.

TinyLetter is perfect for individuals and brands that don't require the robust business features that are included with most large email services. Although some might be hesitant to use a system that lacks powerful reporting or segmenting tools, removing complicated features lowers the barrier of entry to actually send emails! Yes you can DIY your own email marketing campaign.

TinyLetter also lets you create a personalized sign up form which can be placed on your website, landing page, or even on social media. All emails generated have deep social integration allowing readers to quickly and easily share on social media.

Whether you roll up your sleeves and try email marketing for your own business or have TPM do it for you, it is worth a shot. Need more info on open rates and click-thrus? Let TPM do the heavy lifting, use the contact form to get the scoop on our email marketing services.