Spring Cleaning for Social Media

As the end of Q1 is approaching, it is good practice to evaluate how your social media marketing strategy has performed this year so far to ensure you are on track to meet your goals. In the spirit of “spring cleaning,” take note of which posts or campaigns did exceptionally well, as well as which might have underperformed, and make any necessary adjustments to your upcoming social media content based on these learnings. Here are some key performance indicators to evaluate your social media performance:


Reach measures your social media influence, or how many users your content is shown to. For this goal, your campaigns and content focus on the top of the marketing funnel, or driving awareness of your brand to new, relevant audiences. Use relevant tags and metadata in your social media content, and target lookalike audiences with paid social media ads to improve your overall reach.

Metrics to pay attention to: Impressions, Followers, Post Reach, Mentions


Engagement measures your interactions with social media users, or how people are resonating with your content and brand. For this goal, your campaigns and content target the mid-funnel, or consideration of your brand as an expert, leader, resource, or trendsetter. Create unique and original social media content that addresses the needs of your target audience, whether that is entertainment, information, or advice. Supplement this organic content with social media ads targeting audiences who have previously interacted with your brand or website to improve your overall engagement.

Metrics to pay attention to: Likes, Comments, Saves/Favorites, Shares


Conversion measures how many social media engagements led to purchases, sign-ups, or other desired actions, depending on which calls to action (CTAs) your brand is prioritizing. For this lower funnel goal, your campaigns and content establish a clear CTA, encouraging users to complete the desired action. Ensure your campaign or post has a singular focus on the CTA, and the appropriate links or forms are easy to click or fill out, respectively. Conversion tracking is key to understanding the return on investment in your social media marketing efforts, and a best practice is to audit your tracking tags or pixels to make sure every conversion is being counted accurately.

Metrics to pay attention to: Website Visits, Sign-ups/Subscriptions, Purchases, Form Fills